
Use of this website

Use of the analytics tool "Piwik"

<html> <iframe style=„border: 0; height: 200px; width: 600px;“ src=„https://piwik.markusflechtner.de/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOut&language=de“></iframe> </html>
Please klick hier if the information on the settings of the Piwik tool is not displayed above.

Use of cookies

This website uses cookies.

Content of the results database

Which data is stored?
  • Name, surname
  • Results at competitions
  • gender (derived from the categories)
  • clubs (Germany) resp. nationality (international results)
  • date of birth / year of birth (often derived from the age groups). Only the year is used on the website.
Source of data

Official result lists (public) or public websites.

According to the German „Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte“, publishing such data is allowed. Please see here for details (in German, source: Deutscher Schwimmverband).
Most athletes are happy, that they can find their results on this website.
If you want to know in detail, which data is stored about you, please send me an email (markus@canoeslalom.net). Please attach a copy of your ID card (for verification).
If you don't want that your data is published on this website, you can request deletion, blocking or correction of your data. In this case, please send me an email (markus@canoeslalom.net). Please attach a copy of your ID card (for verification).

  • en_info/dataprotection.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 27-Jan-2025 21:42
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