Seite anzeigenLinks hierherNach oben Links hierher Dies ist eine Liste der Seiten, welche zurück zur momentanen Seite führen. Medallists per category - European Championships - Under 23Medallists per category - European Championships (Juniors)Medallists per category - Junior World ChampionshipsMedallists per event - European Championships - Under 23 - 2006Medallists per event - European Championships (Juniors) - 2005Medallists per event - Junior World Championships - 2002Medallists per event - Junior World Championships - 2004European Championships - Under 23 - 2006European Championships (Juniors) - 2005Junior World Championships - 2002Junior World Championships - 2004European Champion under 23Junior European ChampionsJunior-World-ChampionsChampions U14 - K1 women - individualChampions U14 - Women's Kayak - individualChampions U16 - K1 women - individualChampions U16 - Women's Kayak - individualChampions U18 - K1 women - individualChampions U18 - Women's Kayak - individualMedallists - 2002Medallists - 2004Medallists - 2005Medallists - 2006Champions of the Year - Germany - 2001Champions of the Year - Germany - 2003Champions of the Year - Germany - 2005German championships U16 - 2001German championships U16 - 2002German championships U16 - 2003German championships U18 - 2001German championships U18 - 2004German championships U18 - 2005German championships - 2003German championships - 2004German championships - 2005German championships - 2006German championships - 2007German championships - 2008German championships U14 - 1997German championships U14 - 1999German championships U14 - 2000German championships U14 - 2001Competitor Profiles - UCompetitor Profiles - USki- und Kanu-Gesellschaft Hanau e.V. en_sportler/spo_7848u.txt Zuletzt geändert: 25-Oct-2024 23:58von Anmelden